Tl'azt'en Artist Damian John

Land Grab Comics - Indian Subjugation

Land Grab Comics

Laurier and Borden


The Imagine… redesign was an intentional shift in color and tone. Instead of feeling trapped I wanted to create a feeling of spaciousness. I wanted to remove the quality of control and anthropocentrism we often subjugate nature to. I wanted to imagine and invoke some of the qualities of the Landback movement and some of the qualities of respect, honour, and awe of nature that I was taught and hold dear.

The Dalkelh used in this redesign is At’en Tso which means the time in Spring when new leaves are coming, and we remember and honor our ancestors.

I want to imagine a time and space where we as a collective, honour the world around us enough to never think of it in terms of possession.

Title: Land Grab Laurier and Borden

The redesign of Batman/Superman 7 speaks to the land grab aspect that loomed large in the early 1900s. Robert Borden and Wilfred Laurier were heads of the leading political parties in canada at the time, and as such hold a certain amount of accountability to the processes that took place during those years. Both individuals held the seat of prime minister at one point. Both supported Indian Act reform that continued to dehumanize and control Indigenous peoples. We should know their faces and process their actions in accordance with how they treated Indigenous peoples and not just blindly honour them in the way our country does.


Inspiration cover

DC Comics Batman/Superman Vol 2 #7

April 2020

Cover Artist: Nick Derington

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Penciler: Nick Derington

Inker: Nick Derington

Colourist: Dave McCaig

Letterer: John J. Hill

Editor: Ben Abernathy, Paul Kaminski, Ben Meares